Student Journals

The Digital Publishing team at SFU Library works with SFU undergraduate and graduate students to publish open access journals using Open Journal Systems. Check out our list of current student journals, below. If you're interested in publishing an open access journal with the Library, please see our webpage on Journal publishing options with SFU Library, and get in touch to learn more!

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AntiChamber Journal
Confluence (journal of SFU's International Studies Department)
Gadfly (journal of SFU's Political Science Department)
Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium Journal
Jove's Bodega (Philosophy Student Union Journal)
The Lyre
POLIS: Sociology and Anthropology Undergraduate Journal
SFU Educational Review
SFU Health Sciences Undergraduate Journal
SFU Science Undergraduate Research Journal
Simon Fraser University Undergraduate Journal of Psychology
Stream: Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication