The St. Petersburg Diaries (1843–1848) of Anna McNeill Whistler
Anna McNeill Whistler, Russia, St. Petersburg, Romanov, history, George Washington Whistler, railways, James Whistler, art history, art educationSynopsis
This annotated critical edition of The St. Petersburg Diaries (1843–1848) of Anna McNeill Whistler is an unprecedented resource for scholars in the fields of Russian and European history, transportation and railway history, art history, and women’s history.
Anna McNeill Whistler, in writing her St. Petersburg diaries (1843–1848), was in a position to comment on a unique opportunity and space within her world. The wife of Major George Washington Whistler, who had been commissioned by Tsar Nicholas I to oversee the construction of the St. Petersburg–Moscow Railway, she had access to both the Russian and the foreign communities in St. Petersburg. Recording through the lens of her unyielding religious, moral, and social beliefs; unable to communicate with Russians and other non-English speakers because of her inability to achieve fluency in Russian and her shyness in speaking French, the two major languages of the capital city; and restricted by the selective cultural isolation of the English and American communities and the random ability of Russians to speak English, in her frequently detailed diaries she presented her criticizing, anguishingly empathetic, and sometimes uninformed insights into the life of mid-nineteenth-century St. Petersburg.
While the diaries have been studied by previous scholars, investigations have been superficial, hampered by language barriers that inhibit access to Russian archives and printed sources. As a Russian scholar, Dr. Evelyn Harden is able to expand on the wealth of information Anna Whistler presents. Her research in archives in Russia has enabled her to provide readers with extensive in-depth annotations and biographical information not previously collected. The result of the addition of mini-biographies and hundreds of images has meant that she has identified almost everyone in Anna Whistler’s world and, where possible, clarified her understanding of what she experienced.
Title page
Table of Contents
St. Petersburg and the Journey There
Their Home and Social Life
George Washington Whistler: The Whistlers as They Were in the 1840s
Anna Matilda (McNeill) Whistler: The Whistlers as They Were in the 1840s
George William Whistler: The Whistlers as They Were in the 1840s
Deborah Delano (Whistler) Haden (Debo): The Whistlers as They Were in the 1840s
James Abbott Whistler (Jemie): The Whistlers as They Were in the 1840s
William McNeill Whistler (Willie): The Whistlers as They Were in the 1840s
Anna Whistler's St. Petersburg Diaries, Part I: 1843–1844 Diary
Anna Whistler's St. Petersburg Diaries, Part II: 1845–1848 Diary
Appendix A: Epigraph from the Diaries
Appendix B: “Excerpt from the Marquis de Custines travels in Russia in 1842”
Appendix C: “Lines on the death of dear Elizth Haslewood”
Appendix D: "From Eliza I. Winstanley to her Sister Anna M. Whistler …"
Appendix E: Biographies
Appendix F: “Chornyi tsvet” (romans) [“The Color Black” (love song)]
Appendix G: Permission for Serfs to Live in the City
Appendix H: Service of Heirs
Appendix I: Letter to Catherine (McNeill) Palmer
Appendix J: Possible Sketch of John Stevenson Maxwell
Images: Anna McNeill Whistler’s Extended Family
Images: The Whistlers’ Lives in the United States
Images: Eliza Winstanley’s Diary
Images: The Journey to St. Petersburg
Images: The Bobrinskii Mansion
Images: St. Petersburg
Images: The Imperial Academy of Fine Arts
Images: Literature, Music, Science, and the Arts
Images: The Alexandrofsky Head Mechanical Works and Major Whistler’s Work Associates
Images: Friends and Acquaintances in St. Petersburg
Images: Other Important People
Images: Dr. Edward Maynard
Images: Daily Life in St. Petersburg
Images: The St. Petersburg Environs
Images: The Imperial Family
Images: Grand Duchess Aleksandra Nikolaevna
Images: A Visit to England in 1847
Images: A Trip to Europe and England in 1848
List of Abbreviations


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